

The $DOO tokenomics model is designed to sustain long-term value, reward the community, and foster project growth. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $DOO

    • Liquidity: 40% (400,000,000 $DOO) is allocated to liquidity pools to maintain stability in DEX listings.

    • Burn Program: 30% (300,000,000 $DOO) will be periodically burned to reduce circulating supply and create a deflationary effect.

    • Marketing: 5% (50,000,000 $DOO) is reserved for marketing activities to drive awareness and adoption.

    • Incentives: 10% (100,000,000 $DOO) will be used for incentivizing community engagement and participation.

    • Event Rewards: 15% (150,000,000 $DOO) are dedicated to rewarding participants in special events and campaigns.

Vesting Schedule

The $DOO vesting schedule is designed to promote long-term growth and stability, with specific allocations for each category:

  • Liquidity: 25% of the liquidity tokens will be available at Token Generation Event (TGE). A 2-month cliff will follow, with the remaining tokens vesting over the next 6 months.

  • Burn Program: 10% of the burn program tokens will be unlocked at TGE, with no cliff period. The remaining tokens will be vested gradually over a 9-month period.

  • Marketing: Marketing tokens have a 3-month cliff after TGE, with no tokens released at TGE. After the cliff, tokens will be vested over the following 12 months.

  • Incentives: Incentive tokens have a 2-month cliff, with no initial release at TGE. The vesting period will last for 10 months after the cliff.

  • Event Rewards: Event rewards will be locked for 1 month after TGE, followed by a 5-month vesting period.

  • Launch Price: $0.0015

  • Market Cap at Launch: $200K

This vesting schedule ensures a gradual and controlled release of tokens into the market, maintaining liquidity and stability while preventing sudden sell-offs.

Last updated